It is our human condition to know that we are connected, that we aren’t alone in our thoughts, feelings, and experiences—no matter what. We need to feel through conscious belief and action that we are connected to other people in our families, relationships, communities, and the greater world. We need to know that we are connected to the past, present and future—to have a sense of our lineage, narrative, and purpose. We need systems, practices, and other people to remind us that we are connected and how we believe that connection is possible. Lastly we need people to encourage us to practice connecting, because it is easy to forget. Helping you know, feel, remember, and practice how you are connected in the way that is meaningful to you is my mission.



My practice focuses on helping people move through life transitions that, be they good or bad, can be difficult or feel lonely to travel through. Despite our on-demand digital connections, feelings of isolation, anxiety, and depression are higher. I want to help you enjoy your life today in real-time. 

My career began when I earned a master’s degree in Music Therapy from New York University. Subsequently, my post-graduate training included Vocal Psychotherapy and Depth Psychology at the Music Psychotherapy Center of New York in addition to Music and Imagery at the Institute for Music and Consciousness. I studied Maternal Mental Health at both the Postpartum Resource Center of NY and the Seleni Institute. My training then expanded into the Gottman Method of couples therapy and I have attended educational trainings in sex and sexuality including issues facing transgender people at Cambridge Health Alliance/Harvard Medical School. 


photo credit: Michelle Arcila